Travel Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions

Is a travel vaccination the same as a regular on-site vaccine clinic?

No, not normally. Generally, travel vaccines are administered to individuals or small groups. A travel vaccination request requires an assessment of health conditions, the planned destination, and vaccination history. The assessment is virtual. Finally, a customized vaccination plan is developed for you by our VaccinateRx pharmacist.

When should I start planning for my trip with travel vaccines?

The amount of time needed to plan for a trip varies, but planning should begin once the trip is confirmed to be happening, or two months prior to leaving.

Do all countries require the same vaccinations?

No, Different Countries Have Different Disease Patterns. VaccinateRx’s objective is to give you immunity against the infectious diseases most commonly seen within your destination. This is why one of the first questions our VaccinateRx pharmacist will ask the international traveler is where their destination is, in addition to, their previous vaccinations.

Where will I receive my travel vaccination(s)?

Our licensed VaccinateRx pharmacy vaccinator will meet you at your place of business, organization, or a mutually agreed location.

How much do travel vaccine clinics cost?

There is a fee for the initial assessment and vaccine recommendation, as well as a fee for each vaccination administered. The total varies and may be covered by your insurance company. Typically, the service will cost from $250 to $500.

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